
Hey, hey. This was supposed to be a blog post about BTS because by the time this comes out (hopefully, I get it done on time) it’s supposed to be

On October 14, 1977, Anita Bryant; the convener of the organisation “Save our children” had a pie thrown at her by Thom Higgins during her press conference in her crusade

Happy new year beloved! Hope 2023 brings a lot of joy. Let us start this which is the first blog post of the year by telling you something you may

Hey, hey, the very inconsistent writer is back again. Look at me publishing two blog posts in a month. What God can’t do doesn’t exist, LOL. Anyway, I have read

Hey, it’s me. The runaway and unreliable writer who has written to you today. I have decided to no longer make excuses. I think you should read my previous writings

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