

Welcome to April, the greatest month of the year. Why? Because it’s my birthday month. If you think I am biased, I am not. You just don’t know good things. 

In this blog post, we are talking about going to hell with the aid of a stripper pole. If you have no idea what I am talking about, let me explain. Last week Lil nas x released a video for his song “ Montero (Call me by your name)”. Social media exploded, and somehow, I got requests to write my thoughts about this. It wasn’t a large number of requests but I still found it generally amusing that anyone wants to hear what I think about anything. Anyhoo, here are my thoughts.


A lot of people said the video was praising satan, I didn’t get that when I watched the video. When I watched, I immediately got the plot which is:

Lil nas x gets tempted in the garden of Eden.

He falls for the temptation.

Next, he punished by being stoned to death.

He first attempts to ascend to heaven.

Somehow this changes, then he descends into hell from a stripper pole.

He grinds on the devil before killing him and taking his crown.

 You can click the link below to watch the video:


I knew this wouldn’t go well with religious people, was just surprised with the celebrating the devil part. I don’t think twerking on the devil then killing him is glorifying.


I know if you are religious, you may probably be angry. I am here to tell you that, you are buying into his marketing strategy unconsciously. Not saying you can’t be angry, just letting you know that he is banking on you being furious. He even released a pair of shoes called devil shoes. These shoes are said to have 1 drop of human blood and only come in 666 pairs. As weird as all these things seem, I doubt those shoes actually contain human blood.

It is kinda obvious he is capitalizing on this outrage. He is also enjoying trolling people online. This comes as no surprise to me because he is a retired barb troll on Twitter.


By “we”, I mean the church aka we Christians. We have successfully entrenched fear as a pillar of our faith. This is odd because fear is opposite our faith. You hear random people preaching the gospel and you hear them mention hell more than God. We scare anyone with hell but we do it on a larger scale with LGBTQ+ people.

No, I am not telling you to never mention hell. I am not telling you to not call something a sin. Yes, I know hell is real. No, I am not telling you to go woke. I am telling that through love learn proper “messaging”. The thing is no one needs to be taught to fear God, that is everywhere. The world is inundated with that.

When Jesus revealed himself to Peter after the miracle of catching fish, the first thing Peter said was “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man”. Fear of God and hell is one of the easiest things to learn. Maybe we should start talking about the love of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ with the same vim. Not saying, we should make Christianity look like a hippie movement. I am saying point people to Jesus. 

I listen to Jackie Hill Perry, a Christian that used to be an open lesbian. She talks about the “heterosexual gospel” a lot. This is when we point LGBT+ people towards heterosexuality instead of towards Jesus. Leave the transformation to the Holy Spirit, just show up in love. We should learn to embrace a love that is present for both the saint and the sinner. In my opinion, we would have less of Lil nas x, if we pointed more at Jesus.

What are your thoughts about the montero(Call me by your name) video?

Were you also initially outraged?

svg6 min read

Ireoluwatomiwa Ekisola

I am Ireoluwatomiwa Ekisola, a writer, content creator and a podcaster determined to ask questions and have conversations in a world that have chosen extreme stances. If you like me, would like to see nuance and the grey in a black and white world, stick around. Let’s meet in the middle and have some fun while we discuss issues across different areas.

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