

Praise master Jesus oh! Your girl is back to listening to podcasts! Nope, my Apple podcast app isn’t still working, but I have downloaded google podcasts.  So let me tell you the podcasts I have been listening to.

* If you want more podcast recommendations, Click here.*

As usual, subheadings are the links to the shows.


This podcast does a deep dive into diet culture, wellness, natural remedies, and the never-ending desire to be thin. What I like about this podcast is that I learn things. I thought I knew at least the basics of weight loss, obesity, and all that but my mind has been blown.

Maintenance phase podcast

Let me highlight some of my favourite episodes

Master cleanse

First, I learnt that a lot of “cleanses” are nonsense. They claim to be removing toxins from your body but can’t clearly define what a toxin is. Also, I learnt how this “Master Cleanse” was plugged into the mainstream. Aside from the fact that the creator of this cleanse is incredibly weird, this cleanse isn’t even sustainable. Just depriving oneself of essential nutrients to cleanse toxins that no one can define.

Keto Diet

The first thing I learnt, was that this diet was originally created to treat children with epilepsy. Yes, people are using diet to treat childhood epilepsy to lose weight. As I am writing this, I still can’t believe people are doing an unsustainable diet because of the quest to be thin. No one can actually do this diet long term and actually live a good quality of life. 

Celery Juice

What stood out to me in this episode was Anthony Williams. He is a “medical medium” who offers pseudoscientific advice and probably injected this trend into the mainstream system. His methods made me laugh, really loudly. Also, the idea that food is medicine and it has to taste awful for it to be good for you made me smile. That idea is quite popular in Nigeria too.

Snake oil

Thanks to this episode, I now know that snake oil doesn’t mean what I thought it meant. Also learnt about medical carnivals and how medical scams are actually centuries years old.

Now, I want to hear a Nigerian version of this podcast. Seeing a lot of similarities between what is being discussed here and the Nigerian mainstream. Would like to see a podcast like this, that discusses diet culture, wellness, natural remedies in Nigeria.


This podcast is basically the hosts, Sarah and Mike help their audience reconsider a person or event that’s been miscast in the public imagination.

I am going to highlight my favourite episodes.

The Chicks vs The Iraq War

I really liked this episode because it flips current time culture war rhetoric. A lot of heterodox dilemmas are how much the left engages in cancel culture. Now, I am not disputing this, but this episode shows that the right also does this. 

Tuskegee Syphilis study

This episode really did a good job of drawing the map of how the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. When you listen to this episode, you would see how good intentions and racist intentions mix to bring the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. 

Tonya Harding

As someone who has watched, I, Tonya, I have been intrigued by the Tonya Harding story. This episode made me see Tonya as a complex woman, not the spiteful fat lady that she is usually portrayed as. 

Human trafficking

This episode really explored how Human trafficking isn’t what we really think it is. It’s not as popular as we think it is.  Now, I know you are thinking  “what is this?”. Well, listen and you would get what I mean.

What podcasts have you been listening to?

svg5 min read

Ireoluwatomiwa Ekisola

I am Ireoluwatomiwa Ekisola, a writer, content creator and a podcaster determined to ask questions and have conversations in a world that have chosen extreme stances. If you like me, would like to see nuance and the grey in a black and white world, stick around. Let’s meet in the middle and have some fun while we discuss issues across different areas.

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