

I spend an ungodly amount of time on Twitter and it’s honestly hilarious that I don’t write threads often. Anyway, this is me compiling Twitter threads I should have written on Twitter into a blog post.


What is virtue signaling?

The action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one’s good character or the moral correctness of one’s position on a particular issue.

 I do not necessarily think virtue signaling is a bad thing. Yes, I know that virtue-signaling kinda indicates that the person isn’t actually good. I know this but don’t we all want a society where people aspire to be good. Shouldn’t we want people to be incentivized to do good deeds in public? I think we should look at how we reward virtue signaling so as to make people move from acting good to becoming good.

Virtue signaling is at least better than the alternative – vice signaling. I doubt any sane person wants a society where we are rewarded for doing bad things in public.


There has been a lot of critique of the ‘woke’ movement and I agree with some. I have just noticed that the anti-woke have subtly become what they hate. I would draw some similarities, so you can understand what I mean. 

The “woke” see discrimination in everything eg racism, sexism, transphobia, etc while the anti-woke see no discrimination in everything. Woke people use identity when filtering through politics and discourse eg first black woman that is non-binary etc. While the anti woke use the anti-identity when filtering through politics and discourse eg saying they would support Caitlyn Jenner because she admitted to being anti-extreme trans ideology, even without stating clear policy. People that are woke have strict lines that if you deviate from you would be called racist, sexist, transphobic. Anti-woke people also have strict rules that if you deviate from you become either woke or quasi-woke. The woke label any idea that disagrees as discrimination eg racism, sexism, etc while the anti-woke label any idea that disagrees as CRT, wokeness, etc.

twitter threads (woke)

Both sides what to ban/ censor speech they don’t like and uplift speech they like. Woke people talk about wokeness the majority of the time, while anti-woke people talk about anti wokeness the majority of the time. The solution I propose is that people stick to principles. Be known for things aside from always reacting to things.


Everyone seems to think a culture of more individualism is the answer. As much as I agree that it does answer some questions, I do believe collectivism has its place. Yes, I do not want to be treated as a representative of my “group”. I also am honest to know a lot of rights were won through collectivism. Voting rights for women and black people in America is a good example of the usefulness of collectivism. Yes, we need to regulate how much influence collectivism has but going towards unchecked individualism isn’t the answer.

Did you enjoy reading these “Twitter threads”?

Should I make it a series?

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svg4 min read

Ireoluwatomiwa Ekisola

I am Ireoluwatomiwa Ekisola, a writer, content creator and a podcaster determined to ask questions and have conversations in a world that have chosen extreme stances. If you like me, would like to see nuance and the grey in a black and white world, stick around. Let’s meet in the middle and have some fun while we discuss issues across different areas.

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